News today : Chandra denies Accept Bribes from Ari Muladi
Chandra M Hamzah denied the contents of the minutes of the examination (BAP), who said he received bribes from Ari Muladi. "I had never received anything from Mr. Ari Muladi," Chandra said in the trial Anggodo at the Corruption Court, Tuesday (15 / 6).
BAP Ari Muladi read Anggodo Lawyers, OC Kaligis. The BAP was mentioned, on April 15, Ari Muladi met with Chandra in Pasar Festival to give some money to settle the case Anggoro.
"BAP's Whopper, April 15 19:00 hrs I was not there at the Festival Market, but at Menara Rajawali Building. Many witnesses," protested Hamzah. According to him, his alibi data is obtained from the cellular phone data requested from the operator.
Chandra claimed to have never read the BAP. "Why are you even legal counsel had obtained the PAN?" Chandra asked. Half joking, OC Kaligis replied, "That's greatness as a power law."
Chairman of the Panel of Judges, Cokorda Rai Suamba Ari finally stop the questions related to this Muladi. "Ari Muladi have not checked, please do not always disangkut pautkan," said Cokorda Rai.
Anggodo trial, defendant's alleged efforts to impede the investigation of bribery and today, attended by three KPK leaders as witnesses, namely Chandra Hamzah, Bibit Samad Rianto, and Ade Rahardja. To date the trial is still ongoing.