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Index On Google

Long Dah also not ever post on this blog, hemmm. just informed me a lot lately in busy with a variety of activities that would be time consuming and of course this activity can not be abandoned and also stopped just like that.

But this morning I'll come back again ntuk fill yan blog may already be so long abandoned, but got confused what the content should also be ditulidkan this time, the article this morning why not tah idea to write yet exist from earlier.

Ah do not what what times, daripda not blog at all treated in the look, though with writing that is clearly less useful but hopefully just inderk google again improved for this blog because dah so long in their posts with no original content, but simply copies content paste only.
Well maybe itlah a little note that may not have benefits and also faidahnya if read by you, But clearly this is only remind just how important it is if you want a blog kept on like google, then you must be diligent to be diligent is to update content as often as possible with content The original copy paste not the result of people's blogs
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