News Today For Indonesia : China and the U.S. gossip about Indonesia, which leaked WikiLeaks, still holds many surprises. Mentioned that China seems to be driving the direction of development in Indonesia to suit their interests.
As quoted from its website on Wednesday (12/15/2010), gossip was revealed in a secret wire from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, dated March 5, 2007 with the Beijing reference code 1448. It was a meeting between Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai and Chinese Foreign Ministry Director General for Asian Affairs Hu Zhengyue, with the U.S. Foreign Ministry official Eric John.
Both sides share the story of how putting their economic interests in Indonesia. Hu acknowledged that drive development in Indonesia is not the case difficult.
"That China can influence the 'general direction' development in Indonesia," Hu said to John.
There are a number of ways used by the Chinese. According to Hu, the main capital to drive development in Indonesia is to utilize the Chinese ethnic population in the country, to help secure the interests of China.
"Beijing must be sensitive to the political realities of a significant population of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia," said Hu.
Well, to increase investment in Indonesia, the government also should be encouraged to always be transparent. Thus, foreign capital flowed into Indonesia.
"Encourage the Indonesian government transparency and public services in general, it is important to attract foreign investment," said Hu.
In the discussion, John was involved said. According to John, the Indonesian government must be pressed for investment and perburuhannya Act to be reformed in accordance with U.S. and Chinese economic interests.
"We must press (Indonesia) to reform labor laws and investment, as well as enforcement of the Act," urged John to Hu.