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Latest Motorcycle News

Latest Motorcycle News : Maybe not many people know if there is a means of transportation in Yogyakarta motorcycle motorcycles equipped with metered. One company that provides services that are O'Jack Taxi Motor which has been operating since November 2010.

Taxi O'Jack Motor bike taxi claims as Indonesia's first Metered currently only has four vehicles. In promoting his services, the O'Jack rely on social networking sites facebook. "Taxi O'jack Motor is the first in Indonesia in which the motor using a metered taxi,"said the text contained in the wall O'jack Taxi Motorcycle.

Latest Motorcycle News : Just like a car taxi company, they can be reached anytime and anywhere via the operator at the number 7000707. "Taxi meter motor wear, only $ 2 Per Meter. We are ready 24 hours to serve customers, "said the operator who called Dhita Hapsari while on the phone.

Dhita explains, when you first turn on the meter, the rate will show a figure of Rp 2,000 and passengers do not need to be shocked. Only later, after more than 1 kilometer, metered fare would count $ 2 per meter, or USD 200 per 100 meters.

In addition to the regular metered service package, O'Jack Taxi Motor also serve package pickup school 6 days per week within a month. Then there is also the office package, with operating 5 days per week and expedition packages.
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